A special party was held on Sunday, June 27, 2010 to celebrate parishioner Mae Sylvia's 92nd birthday. The party was organized by friend Leona Sharrick. In photo at top left, from left to right, Barbara Kable, daughter, Harriet Brennan, friend, Leona Sharrick, and Mae Sylvia. In photo at right, Mae poses with her birthday cupcakes! Click the images for a larger view. |

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Sunday, July 19, 2009 was the date SSCM held its Centennial Parish Picnic. Picnic goers enjoyed homemade ethnic foods, fellowship, beautiful weather, and entertainment by Kazka Folk Ensemble and Dance Group, as well as the Shoreliners. A good time was had by all. In upper left corner, (from left-right) parishioners and workers Gloria Musser, Chuck Redden, and Pat Redden sell food tickets. In upper right, picnic attendees wait in line for potato pancakes. In lower left, parishioners Kathy Walters and Linn Trapane (hidden) work one of the food stands. In lower right, people can be seen dancing to and enjoying polka music by the Shoreliners. At very bottom, parishioners Dorothy Koscelnick, Bill Henry, and Veronica Milo exude the overall attitude of the day! Click the images for a larger view. |
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On Sunday, March 1, 2009, Mr. Eugene Luciw, J.D. Director of Sales and Marketing for The Providence Association of the Ukrainian Catholics of America visited our Parish to give a brief presentation on Providence, its mission, and products which include life insurance, family protection and annuity, IRA pension, and education and other savings plans. Parishioner and local agent/branch secretary Janina Everett also was on hand to answer questions. A generous brunch was enjoyed by all who attended. Any interests or inquiries should be directed to The Providence Association, toll free at 1-877-857-2284, Eugene at eluciw@provassn.com, or Janina at 570-759-2824, email: tjeverett@verizon.net. In below left photo, left to right, Fr. John Seniw, Janina Everett, and Eugene Luciw. Click the images for a larger view. |

On January 4th, 2009, parishioners, family, and friends came together for Ss. Cyril and Methodius' annual Christmas Dinner. This year's dinner also marked the inauguration of our Parish's Cenntennial Year - 2009. In honor of the occasion, we were graciously joined by members of St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church Choir of McAdoo, PA. The choir sang the responses to the Divine Liturgy and provided beautifully sung Ukrainian Christmas Carols after dinner. Click the images for a larger view. |

On October 25, 2008 the Sacred Heart Society at SSCM held its annual Fall/Holiday Craft and Food Sale. In the upper right picture, parishioner Jack Musser eyes up the sweets. In the lower left picture, parishioner Yanka Everett tends to her craft table, and in lower right picture, parishioners Joni Creasy and Melanie Henry sell raffle tickets and promote our annual Christmas evergreen fundraiser. Click the images for a larger view. |

On April 6, 2008 SSCM held its annual Easter Dinner, "Sviachenne". Attendees enjoyed traditional Ukrainian Easter foods, fine company, and after-dinner violin music played by parishioner Talia Williams. Click the images for a larger view. |

The January pyrohy project can been seen in the photos below. Once a month, the family at SSCM assembles to make the boiled dumplings. The pyrohy pinchers can be seen on the left, followed by the packing station, and the potato balls being made at the bottom. Click the images for a larger view. |

Parishioners and friends of SSCM recently gathered for the annual Parish Christmas Dinner on Sunday December 30th, 2007. Held in the church hall, the dinner was prepared and served by members of SSCM Sacred Heart Society. The menu included ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, veggies, and all of the fixings. Of course, there were plenty of homemade sweets to top it off. Traditional Ukrainian Christmas carols were sung and fellowship was enjoyed by all. Click the images for a larger view. |
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